Are you worried that your child has low self-esteem? We create bespoke treatment plans to manage children’s low self-esteem symptoms.
Want to learn more about low self-esteem in children? Read on as we explain what low self-esteem is and what symptoms to look out for. We also discuss how low self-esteem is diagnosed and the best treatments to overcome it.
What is low self-esteem?
Low self-esteem is when a young person lacks confidence in their abilities. They may have a negative view of themselves. They might believe that they are bad at things, dislike their physical appearance and constantly feel they are “not good enough”. Children with low self-esteem may have always had difficulties with self-worth. Or perhaps a new challenge or change in their life has brought on a shift in how they view themselves.
Children’s low self-esteem symptoms
Symptoms of low self-esteem in children can show up in several ways. Often, young people present with physical manifestations of mental health difficulties.
Examples include:
Stomach aches
Tightness in the chest
Children with low self-esteem may also engage in reassurance-seeking activities.
Or they may refuse to go to school or drop out of other activities they used to enjoy. Some young people with low self-esteem may present with a low mood. They may feel hopeless and downhearted and might be quite tearful for no obvious reason.
The emotional difficulties that low self-esteem can cause may negatively impact:
Academic work
Friendships at school
Relationships at home
Hobbies and interests
Diagnosing low self-esteem
If you think your child is experiencing low self-esteem, it’s important to seek help. The first step is seeing a mental health professional for a diagnosis. A child psychologist can help to assess your child and reach a diagnosis.
Their assessment may include:
A interview with your child
Standardised assessment tools
An interview with you as a parent
Observing your child’s behaviour
Once your child has received a diagnosis, a therapist can identify the right treatments to help your child overcome their difficulties.
Treating your child’s low self-esteem
Kove offers treatment for your child’s low self-esteem symptoms. Our bespoke child therapy plans can improve your child’s behaviour and outlook.
There is a substantial body of research and evidence that supports cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as the first line of treatment for low self-esteem. As such, our treatment plans focus on CBT as the main method of treatment.
CBT sessions for children may also involve you as a parent.
CBT aims to teach children and young people:
The causes of low self-esteem problems
What keeps them going
Strategies to overcome the difficult feelings
Your child’s CBT therapist will help your child to externalise their difficulties.
This means helping the young person and their family to see that the problem isn’t just located in them. But rather, it’s a shared difficulty that we’re all working on together.
Book a Consultation
For low self-esteem in children we can help. Contact us today to discuss your child’s needs and arrange a consultation.
We’d be happy to discuss the therapies that might help your child the most.
Other Treatments

Behavioural Difficulties
Join us now to discuss how to enhance your relationship with your children and effectively manage their behavioral difficulties with less stress. Let’s work together towards a happier and healthier family dynamic.

If you are concerned about your child’s anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. As trusted anxiety specialists based in London, we are here to help. Let’s work together to address your child’s concerns and find effective solutions. Contact us today.